Stage Manager’s “Cornerstone” monologue from OUR TOWN
“Barry's Going To The Prom” from musical The Prom
Commissioned from composer Erik Ransom (Grindr the Opera)
Million Dollar Quartet Nat Tour - Hugh as “Sam Phillips” part 2
“Stop The World” from the Broadway musical Come From Away
“Elvis Flashback” Million Dollar Quartet (Totem Pole)
Opening Monologue-Million Dollar Quartet (Totem Pole)
“S**y Santa” (Letter Writer #1) from Tiny Beautiful Things
Hugh as "Sam Phillips" in the Million Dollar Quartet national tour
Million Dollar Quartet Nat Tour - Hugh as “Sam Phillips” part 1
Million Dollar Quartet Nat Tour - Hugh as “Sam PHillips” part 3
"Hurt" by Trent Renzor (previously recorded by Nine Ince Nails and Johnny Cash)
"To Excess" by Kooman and Dimond performed at Jim Caruso's Broadway Cast Party
The Eagles' Desperado sung by Hugh Hysell
“Take It From an Old Man” from Waitress (benefit for WVPT)
To Excess by Kooman and Dimond at Jim Caruso's Broadway Cast Party. Clip includes banter with Jim Caruso about moving from performing to producing and back to performing, plus comments on Gary Busy taking over my role in Perfect Crime.
"Edna" from Hairspray. Audition songs and scenes
Wherever You Will Go (Rock, cut) by The Calling
ANYTIME, I AM THERE (Song, cut version) by William Finn from Elegies. Piano by Jonathan Ivie
TYPE CAST (Full Version) by Erik Ransom, performed live as part of Erik's "NO RANSOM TO BE PAID" tribute concert